Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Top 5 things to do to combat the flu

With it being flu season and hearing from so many people that they are sick with the flu, I though it would be a great time to remind people how to avoid getting and spreading the flu!

1.     Stay hydrated- Drink plenty of fluids
2.    Maintain good health- by having a healthy living lifestyle, you can reduce the effects of the flu. This includes exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, managing stress levels, and eating healthy foods regularly
3.     Don’t share germs- cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing to help reduce the spread of the influenza virus.  
4.     Keep you hands clean- carry hand sanitizer and wash your hands regularly especially when in public places
5.   Supplement your diet- take vitamin and mineral supplements to make sure you are receiving adequate nutrition